One of the herbs in our Hemp-EaZe™ formula is Lavender;

This antiseptic herb became popular in Medieval Europe for a variety of healing purposes. A native of  Southern Europe, many French households kept a bottle of Lavender essence in their kitchens as a remedy against insect bites, cuts, bruises, and aches.  Grown organically in our garden on Tierra Sol farm.


Some of the other herbs in the Hemp-EaZe™ formula have interesting histories too;
In early days Cherokee and Iroquois used the cardinal flower as  a powerful relaxant, easing inflammation and fever. It is excellent for Rheumatism as well as abscesses and boils. Lobelia contains an alkaloid, Lobeline, thought to lessen the swelling of  blood vessel walls by reducing the heat.  Our Organic Lobelia is grown  Locally.

BAY  umbellularia californica*
It’s leaf symbolizes glory and honor. It was sacred to Apollo for the healing temples. Medicinally, California Bay has a gentle tonic effect. Considered warming and drying. Native Americans used leaves to relieve pain. Settlers used it for Rheumatism. Our Bay is grown organically in the wild.

MYRRH GUM Commiphora
An Ancient Biblical remedy which is still used today. It is valuable as an excellent tonic for Pyorrhea, a gum decease. It is also an antiseptic and very healing. It has been used as a remedy for ulcers, bedsores, and any sore of the body. Commonly used as an ointment. It is grown organically  in Arabia and eastern Africa. You’ll find more information in our “Herbs and Roots” section.