One of the principle herbs I use in the Hemp-Eaze™ Formula is Comfrey. This is a tried and true herb that has been used for over 2000 years. The herb has proven beneficial for mending wounds and broken bones. The name ‘comfrey’ itself derives from it’s uses in medieval times when it was known as ‘Confirmare’, meaning “to make firm or strengthen”.
It has been seen to have an effect on cuts, burns, skin ulcers, boils, hemorrhoids, sprains, and fractures. Making it a vital ingredient in our Hemp-Eaze™ products

Comfrey contains allantoin, a substance which increases cell growth. This places comfrey high on the list of popular and effective remedies. It principle use has been for mending wounds and broken bones. Comfrey has been seen to have an effect on cuts, bruises, skin ulcers, boils, hemorrhoids, sprain and fractures. Our Comfrey is home grown organically at Tierra Sol Farm