In the beginning, My family and friends were so amazed at my recovery using my new herbal formula, that they wanted to try the cream too.
People started reporting a feeling of relief from Arthritis and sore muscles, eczema and rosacea. And they encouraged friends and family to try it. Everyone encouraged me to put it on the market. But I wanted to be sure that these experiences were solid, and not just occasional happenings. Also, if in the future I decide to sell it in an eCommerce marketplace like Amazon, I wouldn’t want my product to get banned ( over poor customer score! So I began a series of test marketing for three years, with volunteers from across the country. We offered it to Arthritis suffers, chemo patients, people with old injuries and new.
They reported that our cream relieved; painful scare tissue, sprains, broken toes, psoriasis and fibromyalgia. It healed infected tattoos, restless leg syndrome and more. At one point, I was told that the cream healed diaper rash in an hour!
Here are the results:
Market Research. Tierra Sol Farm conducted a search of the market potential over a period of three years. 2006 research consisted of contacting many groups of people, including 10 CUSC students. Research also included three compassionate care facilities, one in Sacramento, one in Santa Cruz, and the other in San Francisco.
In 2007 TSF conducted a test market in Redway, California consisting of 15 people, as well as a senior women’s group in Santa Monica. During the summer of 2007, a survey was issued at a vitamin and herb store in Santa Cruz. An acupuncturist in Capitola also shared the response from his clients.
In 2008 TSF conducted a survey one-on-one with approximately eight members of the Chico Cannabis Club. And also a survey was conducted in Chico at one of the day spas.
Currently, a written survey that has been distributed to the Sacramento branch of the Urban League and their congregation. All tests were focused on recording the response of the product. Many of the tests showed that people generally appreciated the results from using Hemp-EaZe Therapy Cream. I am also considering doing some more data collection as I want to make sure my product is perfect before putting it onto shelves. I’ve done lots of market research and it has worked well for me so far.
Results included; relief from tight muscles, reduced swelling in joints, reduced inflammation in bruises, soothed the pain from chemo burns and helped to rejuvenate the healing of skin. Skin Ulcers began healing, eczema, psoriasis, and the like were healing. Bone spurs, planters fasciitis, old spinal injuries experienced relief. Many of the testimonies collected from these surveys are post on this site.
Volunteers liked the feel of the product on their skin. They enjoyed how well it absorbs, and that it is non-staining. However, the dark green color was not pleasing. Women would prefer a pleasant scent instead of the earthy aroma that Hemp-EaZe has.
The Tierra formula has used fresh herbs, but found that if dried herbs are used instead, the color of the cream turned more of a golden-green color. The response was more positive with the change. TSF had to point out that Hemp-EaZe is triple strength and that its distinctive color signifies that this is a true medicine, unlike the light colors of cosmetic lotions.
To combat the lack of scent, our cream has a lot of volatile herbs that would normally, by themselves, be distinguishable, but somehow together they cancel each other out.
Through several laboratory experiments to define a single aroma the cream continued to come out with the same results. The only conclusion is to include another ingredient such as an essential oil of lavender or sage. However it is not cost effective to add an expensive non-essential ingredient at this time. Many of those surveyed agreed that it would cost effective to do so.
The test markets promoted one last change – the logo. It started out with a dark green image. Test participants encouraged the use of a light blue open label with easily readable font. This was determined to be more attractive than the original label.
Many of the surveys revealed that Hemp-EaZe would attract many individual sales as well as merchant orders or organizational distribution.
Additional survey results;
Many people find Western medicine less competent than their parents did. Or haven’t found anything that works. Many simply can’t afford the high costs of medical care with non life- threatening problems, such as the elderly and lower income families. There are a growing number of people looking to heal them selves naturally. Many people are allergic to lots of the substances that are included in commercial products. The youth find it trendy to use hemp products. The youth market. Marketing companies estimate that young adults have about $43.5 billion in disposable income (The American Consumer-Contemporary Consumer Spending pg.3 of 4/libraryindex)
There are those who already accept the great benefits of hemp and products. Many parents believe that treating their children with gentle herbal medicines is good practice. Many people bruise easily. There are also many who suffer from skin ailments. Reactions to our Hemp-EaZe Therapy Cream are very enthusiastic. Many love sharing their testimonials with us. We have gotten many sales from word-of-mouth by happy customers.