History, Grateful Dead, Reggae and Cool Hippie Merchandise.
Established in 1989.
This business started on June 11, 1989, in the Lincoln Mall in Lincoln RI. I stayed there until the end of 1989 and then moved back to the Cape where I set up shop in Chatham for 15 years…Then relocated to Yarmouth where I have been for the last 13 years. I have had some of the same customers for the last 28 years and have seen generations grow up!! Feeling Blessed!! Please stop by if you’re in the area…..Open most everyday year round.
Patricia M. | Business Owner
Long time dead head and hippie!! I enjoy the interaction of my customers and friends that come here to shop and fill their lives with color!!

The root of the Hemp plant is very healing. I found these wonderful hemp root products that I now carry. Hemp EaZe! Therapy cream, massage oil, body lotion, body butter, tattoo balm, lip balm, baby and me salve and baby and me body spray. I am using the therapy cream which has helped tremendously with my stuff joints and muscles. I also sleep so soundly when I use it b 4 bed and wake up rested and ready to go. I am also using the lip balm…?. I am looking forward to using some of the other products too!
1196 Rt 28 Unit C
South Yarmouth, MA 02664